Hohm RunXL 21700 Battery (Single)
QSP Li-NMC | 30.3A-38.6A | 4007mAh | 3.6V
Can be charged at a tested/proven 6.01A rating: Yes, 6.01, as in SIX POINT ZERO ONE. It is possible, tested, proven, and approved**
Development started in 2017 with intent to only power Electric Vehicles. It’s just too good to keep it restricted to only EV projects
Using the proprietary “Ohm” cap in a 21.5mm width; 71.4mm length structure. 100% blend new to Hohm Tech International
>4k capacity, >30A load, in a structure under 72g weight!
Utilizing same identical seal compounds as Hohm RUN to ensure battery remains sealed in hot/cold weather and applications
As with all ICHT cells, the Cathode Tag is utilizing UH Purity Aluminum: Ultra-High Purity (UHP) for internal resistance suppression